Ok, so you know how I said that according to traditional Chinese medicine you shouldn’t eat cold food in winter?
Well, I still stand by that, but it’s the middle of winter here right now and we’ve had unseasonably warm weather lately, so much so that one day even reached 30°C! Friggin hot I tell you!
And to me, that calls for one thing.
Ice cream.
Coconut ice cream!
I love simple recipes with few ingredients, and I hate having to use a multitude of pots, pans and equipment when cooking. This ice cream has only two ingredients and is made using only the Vitamix.
No ice cream churner needed.
I’ve experimented with making all kinds of different flavoured ice cream and sorbets in my Vitamix, but lately I’ve been a little obsessed with coconut because of its health benefits, and because it tastes like a tropical holiday, which is where I’d rather be in the middle of winter.
This coconut ice cream uses banana to help achieve a really creamy texture. You can only taste a hint of banana, which I think adds to the tropical flavour anyway.
Is it yummier than my creamy coconut milk pudding? You be the judge!

Here’s the recipe.
Coconut ice cream
400ml can of coconut cream, poured into ice cube trays and frozen
1 frozen banana
1 fresh banana
Place fresh banana into Vitamix first, then break up the frozen banana and add that next, followed by the frozen coconut milk cubes.
Turn the Vitamix on and increase to speed 10 and then flick to high speed. Use the stick to push all the ingredients down onto the blade and blend for a minute until creamy.
The texture straight from the Vitamix like a soft serve and melts quickly. If you like you can put it into a container and place in the freezer just until it hardens enough so that you’re able to make firm scoops.
You know what would make it even more amazingly awesome?
Mixing a handful chocolate chips or crushed up cookies or bits of cookie dough bliss balls through it.
Jem xx